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Compared to competitive PP powders (samples A and B) or to ground PP pellets, they exhibit the following advantages for the user:

  • Very regular and spherical particles

  • A more regular size and shape than standard powders or ground pellets

  • Narrow particle size distribution mostly between 300 and 800 µm

  • Very little amount of fines below 200 µm



Eltex® HDPE Powders


INEOS O&P Europe is offering a wide range of HDPE resins in powder form for a wide variety of applications.

Eltex® HDPE powders are particularly suited for:

  • Highly loaded colour master-batches

  • Higher quality compounds base material or chlorinated PE

  • Organoleptic applications

  • Superior wood plastic composite (WPC)

Eltex® P PP Powders


A unique morphology for dedicated usage. A unique proprietary catalyst allows the production of powders with unique characteristics.

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